
Procyon Avatar for VRChat - raccoon, red panda

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Procyon Avatar for VRChat - raccoon, red panda

26 ratings

Hi, I'm Alex Lotor and this is Procyon Avatar, a raccoon avatar for VRChat! Among its features there are:

  • Quest avatar project (not final)
  • 3.0 avatar
  • Full body ready
  • Blendshapes for body customization
  • Full visemes and a lot of facial expressions to mix and match
  • Custom idle, AFK, sitting and laying down animations
  • Mood selector
  • Tail, tongue, eyelids and ears puppet menus
  • Pizza box and pizza slice toggles (comes in 6 flavours!)
  • 8k textures realized using real images
  • Dynamic Bones (you need to buy them separately from the Unity Asset Store)
  • Photoshop file for easy customization of the texture
  • Fur auto-patterning Photoshop file (go crazy with the design, the fur on top will always match with this!)
  • Extensive step by step tutorial on how to modify (texture and geometry) and import your own model into VRChat
  • Future content updates!

If you're interested come to my Discord (https://discord.gg/MNynw9u) for support and to see what are the latest news about the avatar!

Thank you for your interest and if you like what I'm doing and you think someone else could like it too let him/her know! See you and have a nice day!

Important notice

  • You can not redistribute, share or resell Procyon Avatar, nor any of its parts and files without permission
  • You can not claim Procyon Avatar as your own work
  • You can not use offensive or annoying versions of the Procyon Avatar in public worlds: I don’t want to see them, other people don’t want to see them as well. If that’s not the case do whatever but in a private world, please!
  • I’m not responsible for any misuse of the Procyon Avatar and any of the corrective measures taken against you for that
  • You can sell custom Procyon Avatar models (i.e. custom textures and/other alterations) only if both you and your client are in posses of the purchased Procyon Avatar
  • You can upload your Procyon Avatar as a public one only if the original and untouched credit image is present inside of the chest. You also need to put the link to my Discord (https://discord.gg/MNynw9u) and Gumroad (https://gumroad.com/l/Procyon_Avatar) pages in the world you’re planning to share them, so people know how to find me.
  • By using my Procyon Avatar you accept this terms of service
I want this!

What you get...

Original Blender file
For geometry alterations
Photoshop files
For easy and quick texture creation
Base colorless texture and FBX
For use in other texturing softwares
Unity project
Already set-up and ready to upload
Tutorial guide
Step by step upload and customization guide
Quest avatar project (not final)
Early version of the Quest compatible avatar model
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